Dynamic mooring operability (2024)
Comparison between HMPE and polypropylene mooring lines.
The effect of combination mooring lines on dynamic mooring operability, for bulk carriers at wave-exposed berths.
Container ship UKC (2022)
A validation study of container ship dynamic sinkage and trim.
Container ship dynamic sinkage prediction, using the nonlinear Rankine-source panel code, phFlow
Coupled ship and harbour method (2019)
Using WAMIT and MoorMotions to study moored ship motions and loads in a semi-enclosed harbour.
(2019) A coupled ship and harbour model for dynamic mooring analysis in Geraldton Harbour
Ship wave-induced motions (2019)
An international study to validate ship motion codes.
Benchmarking of DIFFRAC, FATIMA, HydroSTAR, MOSES, NEMOH, OCTOPUS, PDStrip, RAPID, SEAWAY, SlenderFlow and WAMIT against measured vertical motions of the Duisburg Test Case container ship in shallow water
UKC book chapter (2015)
The UKC chapter in Navigation Accidents and their Causes outlines the state of the art in UKC prediction and measurement.
Boat wake (2010)
This report describes a comprehensive set of trials into boat wake and its effect on shoreline erosion.
Full-scale boat wake and wind wave trials on the Swan River
Archive of publicly-available reports
Gourlay, T.P. (2025) Comparison of WAMIT with measured wave-induced motions of container ships and bulk carriers, using an adjustment for ship speed. To be published in: Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, Bruges.
Gourlay, T.P. (2024) The effect of combination mooring lines on dynamic mooring operability, for bulk carriers at wave-exposed berths. Proceedings, PIANC World Congress, 29 April - 3 May 2024, Cape Town.
Gourlay, T.P. (2024) Sample moored ship motion measurements at Port of Esperance. Perth Hydro Research Report R2024-10.
Gourlay, T.P. (2024) Measured and modelled flow around container ships. Presented to Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 9 October 2024, Fremantle.
Gourlay, T.P., Paynter, D.W., Smith, B.J. (2023) Dynamic mooring analysis of 6-buoy spread-moored ships at Cape Cuvier. Proceedings, Coasts and Ports 2023, Sunshine Coast, August 2023.
Gourlay, T.P. (2023) Double-humped roll response for a cruise ship in beam seas. The Australian Naval Architect, Vol. 27, No. 1, February 2023.
Gourlay, T.P., Kumar, M. (2022) The effect of fender energy dissipation on moored ship wave-induced motions. Proceedings, Coasts and Ports 2021, Christchurch, April 2022.
Gourlay, T.P. (2022) Container ship dynamic sinkage prediction, using the nonlinear Rankine-source panel code, phFlow. Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, Glasgow.
Gourlay, T.P. (2021) Comparison of Michlet, phFlow and Rapid with model tests for DTMB 5415 ship wake. Perth Hydro Research Report R2021-08.
Gourlay, T.P. (2021) Calculation of hydrodynamic impulse response functions using Filon quadrature. Perth Hydro Research Report R2021-05.
Gourlay, T.P. (2021) Under-keel clearance: what lies beneath? The Navigator, Issue 26, February 2021. Published by The Nautical Institute.
Gourlay, T.P. (2020) Calculation of second-order wave loads for side-by-side LNG carriers. Perth Hydro Research Report R2020-03.
Gourlay, T.P. (2020) Some recent developments in dynamic mooring analysis for ships. Presented to Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 14 October 2020, Fremantle. See also YouTube video.
Gourlay, T.P. (2019) A coupled ship and harbour model for dynamic mooring analysis in Geraldton Harbour. Proceedings, Coasts and Ports 2019, Hobart.
Gourlay, T.P. (2019) Comparison of WAMIT and MoorMotions with model tests for a tanker moored at an open berth. Perth Hydro Research Report R2019-09.
Gourlay, T.P. (2019) Comparison of WAMIT v7.3 with Marin model tests for side-by-side LNG carriers in waves. Perth Hydro Research Report R2019-08.
Gourlay, T.P., Lataire, E., Delefortrie, G., Donatini, L., Tello Ruiz, M., Veen, D.J., Bunnik, T.H.J., Dallinga, R.P. (2019) Benchmarking of DIFFRAC, FATIMA, HydroSTAR, MOSES, NEMOH, OCTOPUS, PDStrip, RAPID, SEAWAY, SlenderFlow and WAMIT against measured vertical motions of the Duisburg Test Case container ship in shallow water. Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, Belgium.
Gourlay, T.P. (2019) phFlow wavemaking calculations for the KRISO container ship. Perth Hydro Research Report R2019-05.
Gourlay, T.P. (2019) phFlow wavemaking calculations for the DTMB 5415 hull. Perth Hydro Research Report R2019-07.
Ha, J.-H., Gourlay, T.P. (2018) Validation of container ship squat modelling using full-scale trials at the Port of Fremantle. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 144, No. 1.
Algie, C., Gourlay, T.P., Lazauskas, L., Raven, H.C. (2018) Application of potential flow methods to fast displacement ships at transcritical speeds in shallow water. Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 71.
Tezdogan, T., Terziev, M., Oguz, E., Gourlay, T.P., Demirel, Y.K., Incecik, A. (2018) Numerical investigation of the behaviour and performance of ships advancing through restricted shallow waters. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 76.
Ha, J.-H. (2018) Measurement and simulation of ship under-keel clearance in port approach channels. PhD thesis, Curtin University, supervised T. Gourlay.
Ha, J.-H., Gourlay, T.P. (2018) Full-scale measurements and method validation of container ship wave-induced motions at the Port of Fremantle. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 144, No. 6.
Gourlay, T.P. (2017) Moored ship motions in the Port of Geraldton. Presented to the Nautical Institute, March 2017.
Ha, J.-H., Gourlay, T.P. (2017) Bow and stern sinkage coefficients for cargo ships in shallow open water. PIANC Bulletin 2017.
Gourlay, T.P., Ha, J.-H. (2017) What level of wave data is needed for ship motion analysis? A ship hydrodynamics point of view. Proceedings, 3rd Australian Wind Waves Symposium, Perth.
Gourlay, T.P. (2016) ShoreTension trials and application to cruise ships in Port of Geraldton. Report by CMST and Perth Hydro, 20th October 2016, tabled in parliament 22nd November 2016.
Gourlay, T.P., Lataire, E., Delefortrie, G. (2016) Application of potential flow methods to ship squat in different canal widths. Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, Hamburg.
Parisella, G., Gourlay, T.P. (2016) Comparison of open-source code Nemoh with Wamit for cargo ship motions in shallow water. CMST Report 2016-23.
Ha, J.-H., Gourlay, T.P. (2016) Ship motion measurements for ship under-keel clearance in the Port of Geraldton. CMST Report 2016-28.
Ha, J.-H., Gourlay, T.P., Nadarajah, N. (2016) Measured ship motions in Port of Geraldton approach channel. Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, Hamburg.
Ha, J.-H., Gourlay, T.P. (2016) Ship motion measurements for ship under-keel clearance in the Port of Fremantle. CMST Report 2016-07.
Mucha, P., Deng, G., Gourlay, T.P., el Moctar, O. (2016) Validation studies on numerical prediction of ship squat and resistance in shallow water. Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, Hamburg.
Gourlay, T.P. (2015) Ship Under-Keel Clearance. Book chapter in Navigation Accidents and their Causes, The Nautical Institute.
Gourlay, T.P., Dawson, E. (2015) A Havelock-source panel method for near-surface submarines. Journal of Marine Science and Application, Vol. 15, No. 3.
Gourlay, T.P., Ha, J.-H., Mucha, P., Uliczka, K. (2015) Sinkage and trim of modern container ships in shallow water. Proceedings, Coasts and Ports 2015, Auckland.
Gourlay, T.P., von Graefe, A., Shigunov, V., Lataire, E. (2015) Comparison of AQWA, GL RANKINE, MOSES, OCTOPUS, PDSTRIP and WAMIT with model test results for cargo ship wave-induced motions in shallow water. Proceedings, 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, St. John's, Canada.
Gourlay, T.P. (2014) Duisburg Test Case containership squat prediction using ShallowFlow software. Proceedings, PreSquat International Squat Benchmarking Workshop, Duisburg, Germany.
Gourlay, T.P. (2014) Under-keel clearance: Mind the gap. Shipping Port International, Showcase 2014.
Wilkes, D.R., Gourlay, T.P., Gavrilov, A.N. (2014) A comparison of numerical methods for the time domain modelling of pile driving noise in the near field. Proceedings, Internoise 2014, Melbourne.
Gourlay, T.P. (2014) ShallowFlow: a program to model ship hydrodynamics in shallow water. Proceedings, 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco.
Gourlay, T.P. (2013) Ship squat in non-uniform water depth. Proceedings, Coasts and Ports 2013, Sydney.
Gourlay, T.P. (2013) Under-keel clearance of frigates and destroyers in shallow water. CMST Research Report 2013-53.
Giorgi, G., Teunissen, P.J.G., Gourlay, T.P. (2012) Instantaneous Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-based attitude determination for maritime applications. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 3.
Gourlay, T.P. (2012) From cargo ships to skimboards - what happens to the wave resistance hump in shallow water? Australian Naval Architect 16, No. 2, May 2012, pp. 39-41.
Veen, D.J., Gourlay, T.P. (2012) A combined strip theory and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics approach for estimating slamming loads on a ship in head seas. Ocean Engineering 43, pp. 64-71.
Gourlay, T.P. (2011) A brief history of mathematical ship-squat prediction, focussing on the contributions of E.O. Tuck. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 70, Tuck Memorial Issue, pp. 5-16.
Gourlay, T.P. (2011) Notes on shoreline erosion due to boat wakes and wind waves. CMST Report 2011-16.
Veen, D.J., Gourlay, T.P. (2011) A 2D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics theory for calculating slamming loads on ship hull sections. Proceedings, RINA High Speed Marine Vessels conference, Fremantle.
Gourlay, T.P., Martellotta, J. (2011) Aero-hydrodynamics of an RS:X Olympic racing sailboard. CMST Report 2011-02.
Gourlay, T.P. (2011) An inside downhaul system for RS:X sailboards. CMST Report 2011-02a.
Gourlay, T.P. (2010) Hydrodynamic effects on fast monohulls or catamarans travelling through the critical speed in shallow water. ANZIAM Journal 51, pp. C137--C154.
Gourlay, T.P. (2010) Full-scale boat wake and wind wave trials on the Swan River. CMST Report 2010-06.
Giorgi, G., Gourlay, T.P., Teunissen, P.J.G., Huisman, L., Klaka, K. (2010) Carrier phase ambiguity resolution for ship attitude determination and dynamic draught. Proceedings, FIG Congress, Sydney.
Gourlay, T.P. (2009) Sinkage and trim of two ships passing each other on parallel courses. Ocean Engineering 36, No. 14, pp. 1119-1127.
Gourlay, T.P., Cray, W.G. (2009) Ship under-keel clearance monitoring using RTK GPS. Proceedings, Coasts and Ports, Welllington.
Veen, D.J., Gourlay, T.P. (2009) An investigation of slam events in two dimensions using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2009), Athens.
Gourlay, T.P. (2008) Validation of KeelClear software in Torres Strait. CMST Report 2008-05, prepared for Australian Reef Pilots.
Veen, D.J., Gourlay, T.P. (2008) SPH study of high speed ship slamming. Proceedings, ERCOFTAC SPHERIC IIIrd International Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Gourlay, T.P. (2008) Dynamic draught of container ships in shallow water. International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 150, part A4, pp.43-56.
Gourlay, T.P. (2008) Sinkage and trim of a fast displacement catamaran in shallow water. Journal of Ship Research 52, No. 3, pp. 175-183.
Gourlay, T.P. (2008) Slender-body methods for predicting ship squat. Ocean Engineering 35, No. 2, pp. 191-200.
Gourlay, T.P., Klaka, K. (2007) Full-scale measurements of containership sinkage, trim and roll. Australian Naval Architect 11, No. 2, May 2007, pp. 30-36.
Gourlay, T.P. (2007) Ship underkeel clearance in waves. Proceedings, Coasts and Ports, Melbourne.
Gourlay, T.P. (2006) Flow beneath a ship at small underkeel clearance. Journal of Ship Research 50, No. 3, pp. 250-258.
Gourlay, T.P. (2006) A simple method for predicting the maximum squat of a high-speed displacement ship. Marine Technology 43, No. 3, pp. 146-151.
Gourlay, T.P., Duffy, J.T., Forbes, A. (2005) The bore produced between the hulls of a high-speed catamaran in shallow water. International Journal of Maritime Engineering 147, Part A3, pp. 1-8.
Gourlay, T.P., Cook, S. (2004) Flow past a ship radiating a bore in a channel. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 218, Part 1, pp. 31-40.
Gourlay, T.P. (2003) Ship squat in water of varying depth. International Journal of Maritime Engineering 145, Part A1, pp. 1-12.
Gourlay, T.P., Lilienthal, T. (2003) Toward an overall dynamic stability assessment in following seas. Proceedings, 8th. International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2003), Madrid.
Gourlay, T.P., Lilienthal, T. (2002) Dynamic stability of ships in waves. Proceedings, Pacific 2002 International Maritime Conference, Sydney.
Lilienthal, T., Gourlay, T.P. (2002) Dynamic stability in following seas. Asia Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics, Kobe.
Gourlay, T.P. (2001) The supercritical bore produced by a high-speed ship in a channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 434, pp. 399-409.
Gourlay, T.P., Tuck, E.O. (2001) The maximum sinkage of a ship. Journal of Ship Research 45, No. 1, pp. 50-58.
Gourlay, T.P. (2000) Mathematical and computational techniques for predicting the squat of ships. PhD thesis, Dept. Applied Mathematics, University of Adelaide. Supervisor Prof. E.O. Tuck.
Gourlay, T.P. (1999) The effect of squat on steady nonlinear hydraulic flow past a ship in a channel. Schiffstechnik, Ship Technology Research, 46, No. 4, pp. 217-222.
Gourlay, T.P., Tuck, E.O. (1998) One-dimensional theory for flow past a ship in a channel of variable depth. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 25, No. 4, pp. 206-211.
Gourlay, T.P., Tuck, E.O. (1998) Hydraulic and slender-body shallow-water theories for flow past a ship in a channel, and determination of squat. Proceedings, 3rd Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, Adelaide.
Gourlay, T.P. (1994) Planing. Honours thesis, Dept. Applied Mathematics, University of Adelaide. Supervisor Prof. E.O. Tuck.
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